Embracing Innovation – Aquatics in a Global World FINA Conference Programme Announced

5 anos ago 0

The FINA World Aquatics Convention is delighted to release the final Conference Programme for 2018, Hangzhou, China, December 8-10.

Today’s world of sport business is changing and, as technology and innovation continuously evolve, it can be difficult to keep up. It is essential, therefore, that National Federations and the wider Aquatics community are aware of the opportunities available and that they embrace innovation in their day-to-day activities.

This year’s Conference Programme aims to inspire the Aquatics family to progress and become even more successful, by exploring ways in which the it can embrace innovation, use practical tools to reach new audiences, generate new types of revenue, and promote our sport worldwide.

The Convention will hear from a number of experts from inside Aquatics and beyond. Marketing, media, development, sponsorship, hosting and events – our experts weigh in on what it takes to succeed in each of these areas, inspiring Aquatics leaders with new ideas and new ways in which to incorporate innovation to achieve the highest returns.

Here are some of our all-star Organisations set to speak at the Conference:
NBC Olympics
Gracenote Sports
Pacers Sports and Entertainment
Gwangju 2019 FINA World Championships
Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020

On Sunday 9 December, speakers will present sessions such as ‘Licensing & Merchandising – Tapping into New Partnerships’, specifically, how can Aquatics organisations benefit from this practice and what are brands looking for from sport federations to make the collaboration a success?

Additionally, others will discuss topics such as ‘Hosting Aquatics – Expanding Impact for City & Sport’ and ‘On-Site Fan Experience – Creating Memories of a Lifetime’. With a total 10 sessions taking place at this years FINA World Aquatics, it’s the place the be for Aquatics experts who want to take the next steps in their careers.

“FINA is incredibly excited for this year’s FINA World Aquatics Conference Programme. Our Conference features the most respected minds within Aquatics and provides an idyllic learning platform for all Aquatics leaders and experts.” – FINA President, Dr Julio C. Maglione.

The 4th FINA World Aquatics Conference takes place December 8-10, 2018 at the Intercontinental (Hangzhou, China). Click here to register.

Other highlights of FINA’s Convention include the FINA Swimming Coaches Golden Clinic, Exhibition and extensive networking programme.

Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA)

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